About Us

Welcome to PlannBiz Consulting Pvt. Ltd., your partner in comprehensive proposal development and business advisory services. We help businesses excel across various verticals, from initial concepts to fully operational projects. At PlannBiz Consulting, we drive real growth and positive transformation by leveraging our extensive experience and knowledge. We transform enterprise value chains into adaptive ecosystems that sense, learn, and evolve. In today's market, customers seek experiences, not just products. We enable businesses to build connected, cognitive networks that support innovation at scale. Our solutions empower enterprises to deliver personalized experiences, provide smart products, and build resilient value chains. Partner with PlannBiz Consulting to turn vision into reality and make a meaningful difference in your business and community.

Expertise Consultants for

Karnataka Udyog Mitra (KUM)

eBiz is a Single Window System and is one of the integrated services projects and part of Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) under the National E-Governance Plan (NEGP) of the Government of India.
Department of Industries and Commerce is committed to promote investment and trade in industry sector. Karnataka is the first State to enact Industries Facilitation Act in 2002.

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Karnataka Industrial Areas Development Board (KIADB)

The Karnataka Industrial Areas Development Board has created comprehensive infrastructure facilities for setting up of Industries in the State. Karnataka is one of the most industrially advanced states in India, driven by its entrepreneurial spirit, innovative outlook and a stable, approachable Government. These attributes have made it the faster growing state in India, propelling the countrys growth to greater heights..

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Ministry of Food processing Industries (MoFPI) – New Delhi

A strong and dynamic food processing sector plays a vital role in reduction in the wastage of perishable agricultural produce, enhancing shelf life of food products, ensuring value addition to agricultural produce, diversification &commercialization of agriculture, generation of employment, enhancing income of farmers and creating surplus for the export of agro & processed foods.

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Agribusiness and Farming

Agribusiness encompasses the economic sectors for farming and farming-related commerce. It involves all the steps for getting agricultural goods to the market, including production, processing, and distribution. Agribusiness is the complete value chain in agriculture, from the raw materials and resources necessary to create biological products to distributors and retailers that get products to end consumers.

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Finance and Funding

Financing activities are transactions between a business and its lenders and owners to acquire or return resources. In other words, financing activities fund the company, repay lenders, and provide owners with a return on investment. Financing activities include: Issuing and repurchasing equity.

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Startup India Initiative has rolled out several programs with the objective of supporting entrepreneurs, building a robust startup ecosystem and transforming India into a country of job creators instead of job seekers

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PlannBiz Consulting has completed 92 projects spanning 464 acres, allocating 18.73 lakh square meters, with a cumulative project value of Rs. 5,322 crores

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In the Amenity sector, PlannBiz has completed 12 projects covering 14 acres, allocating 1.24 lakh square meters, with a total project value of Rs. 598 crores.

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PlannBiz Consulting has completed 46 projects across 304 acres, allocating 12.30 lakh square meters, with a total project value of Rs. 3,169 crores.

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