Agribusiness and Farming

Agribusiness encompasses the economic sectors for farming and farming-related commerce. It involves all the steps for getting agricultural goods to the market, including production, processing, and distribution.

Agribusiness is the complete value chain in agriculture, from the raw materials and resources necessary to create biological products to distributors and retailers that get products to end consumers.

It can be separated into four links: input providers, producers, processors, and other service providers (such as marketers, distributors, etc.). Each link adds value to the output of the previous link until the biological material is consumed or used by the end consumer.

According to the United Nations, global agriculture value-add is worth over $3.5 trillion annually, 4% of the world’s GDP, and 27% of the total workforce.

Collective business activities that are performed from farm to table. It covers agricultural input suppliers, producers, agroprocessors, distributors, traders, exporters, retailers and consumers. Agro- industry refers to the establishment of linkages between enterprises and supply chains for developing, transforming and distributing specific inputs and products in the agriculture sector. Consequently, agro-industries are a subset of the agribusiness sector. Agribusiness and agro-industry both involve commercialization and value addition of agricultural and post- production enterprises, and the building of linkages among agricultural enterprises. The terms agribusiness and agro-industries are often associated with large-scale farming enterprises or enterprises involved in large-scale food production, processing, distribution and quality control of agricultural products.

We as Planbizz undertake the following activities for Agribusiness and Farming Activities

  1. Procurement of Agricultural Land
  2. Crop Planning
  3. Irrigation Method
  4. Complete Crop Cultivation Practises
  5. Harvesting and Post Harvest technology
  6. Organic Farming cultivation Practises
  7. Market Linkage
  8. Value added Product
  9. Food processing
  10. Export Business